If Your Primary Boating Is In The Central Maine Area
From Augusta, Manchester, Winthrop, Readfield, Fayette, Wayne, Lewiston, Auburn,
Livermore Falls, Jay, Sabatus, The Tacoma's, Gardiner, West Gardiner, Litchfield,
Lake St. George, Palermo, China Lake, Three Mile, Togus, Waterville,
The Belgrades, Oakland, Messalonski, And Of Course,
Cobbossee, Annabesacook & Maranacook Lakes
Clark Marine Is In The Best Position To Assist You
With All Of Your Boating Wants And Service.
We Have Trucks And Trained Technicians And We're Not Afraid To Dispatch Them! You want it fixed, correctly the first time and fast? That's Us!
207-622-7011 Call!