New Outboard Motors
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"Click This Logo For Mercury Pricing" |
"Click This Logo For Evinrude Pricing" |
At Clark Marine, We Don't Limit Your Choice. Evinrude, Honda, Johnson, Mercury & Yamaha Please Have Your Pick. Please click here to contact us for current availability and pricing
Just a couple of ground rules:
Engines advertised on this page are in stock.
Small loose tiller controlled engines are cash and carry. Delivery is available.
Pricing on remote models does not include rigging.
Approximate cost of rigging from scratch, parts and labor is $1600.00
Rigging cost if your controls match up $80.00 per hour + any parts needed.
Sorry, engines will not be shipped. All purchases/deliveries must be from our retail location. Warranty Cards Registered by Clark Marine.
When requesting a brochure please be sure to include the product line along with your name and address.
Thank You.