If Your Primary Boating Is In The Central Maine Area Please Give Clark Marine A Try.
From Winthrop, Readfield, Fayette, Wayne, Lewiston, Auburn, Sabatus, The Tacoma's, Lake St. George, China Lake, Three Mile, Togus, The Belgrades, Messalonskee, And Of Course, Cobbossee, Annabesacook & Maranacook Lakes Clark Marine Is In The Best Position To Assist You With All Of Your Boating Wants And Service.
Rob Brown
Please Visit Our Retail Store In Manchester.
Directions to Clark Marine Manchester
From I-95 Exit 109 Travel West on Rt 202
Approximately 3 Miles, Through 1 Street Light
Turn Right onto the Puddledock Road.
Clark Marine is 3 tenths of a mile on the right.